Download a free virtual machine for your application and start developing right away! You could save hours installing packages or grappling with config files.
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Getting started in a new technical discipline can be hard. Even before you write your first line of code, there's usually a lot to learn about installing and configuring the environment to run it.
Devopera is designed to make programming more accessible to established coders and newbies alike. We provide free virtual machines that are completely setup so that you can jump right in. You're not tied to any of our products or systems, so as you grow in experience and confidence, you can move... + read more
Setting hostname on Fedora 18 permanently, from command line, turned out to be trickier than I thought it would be.
hostname <name> will only set the hostname temporarily (until the next restart). Unlike older Redhat/CentOS peers, editing /etc/sysconfig/network and adding a 'HOSTNAME=' directive is ineffective. sysctl kernel.hostname=NEW_HOSTNAME is also only temporary. This is because the hostname is now stored in /etc/hostname.
hostnamectl set-hostname <name> --pretty... + read more
Opening ports on a web server is risky. Every port increases the threat surface and while many if not most of the services that run on these ports are frequently refreshed to keep them secure, they are vulnerable to a potential attack. Devopera machines try to minimise the number of open ports, but that does not mean you're in any way restricted in the kind of connections you can make to services on your machine.
SSH can be configured to tunnel access to a specific insecure port (say 10000... + read more
Our configs are designed to fit servers of many sizes. When we're installing a server, we look at several factors to make sure we configure it to make the most of the available resources:
How much RAM it has
How many process cores it has
What kind of filesystem it uses
If you change the configuration of a devopera VM or server build, such as adding more cores or more RAM modules, you might like to refresh the config on your server, or have us do it for you.
Devopera exists because we wanted the freedom to move our website from one host to another with as little fuss as possible. Previously that involved having to rebuild the server, a 2-day job that always resulted in our forgetting to do something. That meant that when we deployed the site, some small facet of it stopped working, which we had to hope would show up in our nightly test suite.
That's idea behind our offering low-cost server builds for a wide array of applications and... + read more