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Server maintenance, analysis and troubleshooting tools
Submitted by admin on Sun, 02/01/2015 - 13:25
I spend a lot of time looking into misbehaving servers. Most of the time, it's because someone, somewhere is trying to goad a machine into misbehaving. That's not to say their intent is malicious, only that for one reason or another their activity is influencing the performance of the machine; it's causing it to run slowly, consume excessive resources or crash.
On every Devopera build, we include an array of tools that make that job a little easier.
- htop - for monitoring process load
- iftop - for monitoring network load
- iotop - for monitoring disk I/O
- nc - for checking access to a service's address:port combination
- screen - for maintaining persistent sessions in between logins
If you've got a favourite tool that you think should be on this list, let us know.