Download a free virtual machine for your application and start developing right away! You could save hours installing packages or grappling with config files.
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How do I use a virtual machine (VM)?
Virtual machines require a piece of software called a hypervisor or host to run. There are a handful of free or inexpensive hypervisors, such as Virtualbox, VMWare and Hyper V.
Once you've downloaded and installed a hypervisor, you can run as many virtual machines as your machine can handle.
What kind of hardware do I need to run a VM?
Most modern desktop computers are more than capable of running 2-3 small virtual machine instances at the same time... + read more
All Devopera VMs come ready-to-run, which means that any service you need to run an application will be started automatically when the machine boots. These services are managed using initd.
If however you want to take your development to the next level, you may want to run a development web server, as opposed to a production web server (Apache). Development web servers typically have some if not all of these sort of advantages, depending on what language they're compiling/interpretting... + read more
yum update will fail on CentOS 6.5 when upgrading between 1.3.6-4.el6 and 1.3.6-5.el6. The solution is to remove npm:
yum remove npm
Package Arch Version Repository Size
npm noarch 1.3.6-5.el6 epel 329 k
Transaction Summary... + read more
Puppet's fact service (Facter) has recently undergone a major upgrade and if you're a CentOS puppetteer, you may have been affected. These are the errors we've encountered to date that are currently outstanding:
Module: epel
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter proxy failed on Yumrepo[epel-testing]: Must be a valid URL at /etc/puppet/modules/epel/manifests/init.pp:57
Wrapped exception:
Must be a valid URL
Status at the time of posting: unfixed
Increasingly people are using one of the major Version Control System (VCS) hosts, such as Github, BitBucket or Codeplane to store and version their code.
Good code has many homes
During its life that code will be deployed to several servers, such as dev (the development machine on which it was first created), staging (a live-like environment used to check that it will work when integrated alongside other new code and in the live environment) and live (the machine on which it will be hosted... + read more